Monday, April 18, 2011


at what we woke up to
this morning.....

Yep, that would be snow
Yep, it is April 18th
Oh well,
I have a ton of things
to get done inside today.
(insert sarcastic smile)
I hope you have a wonderful Monday.




  1. Oh me, just unreal girl, it is already approaching summer here, an you have snow, wow no way, I will take my weather any day.

  2. Nancy, what a coincidence. We have just about the same amount of snow here. It's okay though. I spread a lot of fertilizer on the lawn last week!
    I'll be inside too, doing my Monday housecleaning. Oh well....

  3. I truly am sorry for you getting snow this late in April!!!! We are having rain after a weekend of 80 degree temps. Always weird in wonderful weather here in San Diego.

    Hope you get lots done today.

    blessings, jilly

  4. I can not believe this happened to us today. Boo Hoo!!! I went to Ohio this past weekend and there were people mowing their lawns and flowers bloomed and trees with leaves on them. With abundant sunshine and 60ish degree weather as well. Booo Hooooooo!!!!

  5. Nancy, I would love to show you how to embroidery. Currently I'm working with Jonny on it. Maria doesn't think it's a very manly hobby, but it is good for building fine motor skills.
    How about if you find some transfers you like and dish towels or whatever you might want to do. I have done some dishtowels and a couple little designs to hang in the kitchen in wooden hoops.

  6. Snow???? Crazy weather!! We just had a rash of tornadoes and storms!! Sunshine today was quite welcome! The sun will shine soon for you!
