Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Great Day In The Village

Yesterday, I took these two cute and amazing kids to
Greenfield Village.

Greenfield Village is a village created from bits of our American past.

You will find many of these roaming the streets.

Lots of wonderful garden areas.

The Firestone farm.

It was laundry day there today.

You could visit the Susquehanna Plantation.

Complete with a field of corn and tobacco.

You can go across the street and visit Cotswold Cottage and enjoy some tea.

Or what about the Robert Frost Home

Or the William Holmes McGuffey School.

Did any of you use the McGuffey reader in school?

This is really a very small sampling of all that is there.
For more info here is the address.

We had a great time and hope to get back soon to see the rest
and maybe even the museum.
The birds are singing and the sun is shining so I am off to play in my garden.

Have a great day!!!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Something more

Thank you all for the kind comments on my quilt. Y'all are wonderful. The name of the quilt is Stepping Stones. Designed by Bradley and Judy Niemeyer.

As I sat in the stillness of my living room the other night, enjoying an awesome cup of coffee my eyes rested on the quilt I just finished.

I was suppose to take this class with a friend. She really loved this quilt, me not so much. This quilt was made with Bali pops. Bali pops are prepackaged strips of all kinds of wild and crazy fabric prints and to say that I WASN'T thrilled with the choices is an understatement nor was I keen on the pattern, however she really really wanted to do this and I was open to learning something new. At the last minute she needed to back out and I was left with the decision of backing out as well or taking the class. a no brainer I thought but my in my heart there was a gentle nudge to stay the course and take the class.

The first day of class we took these wild and crazy strips of fabric and paired them up with other wild and crazy strips. My mind was screaming I DON'T LIKE THIS, I DON'T LIKE THIS, I DON'T LIKE THIS, the nudge was saying stay the course, stay the course, stay the course. Did I mention I didn't like it. Later that day we started sewing the strips together to make a block and to my surprise it was the most pleasant experience. You could even say that I was enjoying myself and those crazy strips of fabric began to make crazy blocks that were suppose to make a lovely quilt. As the pile grew I once again became doubtful that those crazy blocks would make a lovely quilt and again I felt that nudge to stay the course, follow the directions and trust the process.

Soon all the squares were finished and ready to be pieced together. I sewed those crazy squares together and right before my disbelieving eyes a beautiful quilt was made.

This quilt has become so much more than crazy fabric and thread. To me it is a tangible reminder of my Fathers love for me. For quite some time now, I have been struggling with trusting my Father with pretty much the EVERYTHING and ALL'S in my life. He used this quilt to show me that if I stay the course, follow His Word and trust His process He will piece together the crazy EVERYTHING and ALL'S of my life to make something beautiful. I want to encourage all of you...the next time you feel a nudge in your heart listen to it. You never know how your heart will be effected. Isn't God great!!!

" 7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. 8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways", declares the LORD. 9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." " ISAIAH 55:7-9


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday at the quilt shop

It's finished!

This quilt was so much fun to do.
I am going to miss spending Tuesday's at the quilt shop!
We had a blast!!!
So, what's next you ask...
Well now, that's a SECRET cuz I am making a gift for someone
who just might be reading this :)

Now, it's back to the garden.
It needs some TLC which I am more than happy to provide.
So until then happy gardening!


Monday, June 21, 2010

What happened?

What happened to the past week!
As you can tell I took an unexpected bloggy break.
So, tell me how are all of you sweet bloggy friends?
What have you been up to ?
Looking forward to catching up with y'all.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Verse

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about me weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."

2 Corinthians 12:9

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Friday, June 11, 2010


Do you ever have days where you want to cry but don't know why?
Well, that is how I felt all week long.

This morning I woke up and wasn't really paying any
attention to the date UNTIL one of the girls
asked about something and I checked the calendar.

Today is June 11th my daddy's birthday.
He would have been 76 today.

When I realized the date I sat down to cozy up with a few of
the sweetest memories of my dad.

My dad was an early riser! I remember waking early and climbing
into his lap and drinking "milk coffee" with him.

I remember the Christmas he climbed on the roof and pretended to be Santa.
We (my sister and brother) were in the tub when we heard all the commotion and the hohoho.
By the time we got out and dressed Santa had come.
Best Christmas ever!

I remember being my dad's helper. We were always working on something.

I remember my dad going out on those really cold Montana winter mornings,
starting my car so that it would be warm and cozy when I got in to go to school.

I remember fishing with my dad. He always put the worm on my hook :)

I remember my dad's strong hands. There was a lot of love in those hands.

I remember the way my dad looked at my mom with such love.

I remember my dad calling...sometimes two or three times a day
just to say "Nanny Kay I love you!"

My dad had COPD. That disease took his life one breath at a time.

I learned from my dad to NEVER give up.

He fought right up to the end.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me .'
Philippians 4:13

That was daddy's verse.

I think maybe I will have to get a cake and have a piece in honor of dad of course ;) after all it is a celebration!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Nudge

We enjoyed a chilly and rainy day here.

Which made for a great day to sew.


Sew I did!

I started a new quilting class last week.
We are learning to paper piece.

I really didn't think I would like this class.
You see, this quilt really doesn't reflect my personality but,
I felt a little nudge in my heart to try something new.
I followed that little nudge and I have to tell you


This quilt is so much fun to work on and is going rather quickly.
I am so glad I listened to that little nudge!

So, my friends what is nudging you today?

Have a great evening!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Peek!


I hope you have had a terrific week!

We have had some rain here at the cottage
and things are blooming!
So, I thought you might enjoy a little peek.

I have missed visiting with all of you this week
and look forward to catching up!

Enjoy your week end!
