Friday, April 1, 2011

Thank You

You guys are the

Thanks for all the sweet comments
and lovely e mails.
Each one touched my heart and made me smile
Thank You
Now, to answer a few questions...

My back is doing sooooo much better.
All tests came back with good news and
I will start physical therapy next week.

The tulips and daffodils from the
last few posts didn't come from my garden.
I found them at the grocery store.
I just thought they were so lovely
and they brought a little spring into our house!
My tulips and daffodils are starting to poke through
the ground..YAY! shouldn't be long before
the garden is blooming.

Yesterday, I did something I have never done


I went house hunting with Kate.
When did she grow up
and become a responsible adult
who can buy her own house?

I am so excited for her!
and so thankful she wants me to be apart of this journey.

and now,
a little more spring loveliness...

Have a sweet week end!



  1. Glad your back is feeling better! Kids grow up in a flash, don't they? Where does time go? The fabrics are gorgeous! Can't wait to see what you make!

  2. So glad you're on the mend! Our children grow into adults all of a sudden don't they...great that you have close relationships with them..some people don't. A jelly roll and a fat quarter cake for afternoon kind of you to invite us all! LOL.

  3. Sorry to hear about your back! That is terrible! I have enjoyed catching up on your blog today while in town! Gorgeous photos and love your work! Xo
